
Technical Notes

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Hoover, J.J., and Murphy C.E. (2018). "Maximum Swim Speed of Migrating Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus): Reanalysis of Data from a Prior Study," ANSRP-18-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Parsons, G.R., Stell, Ehlana, and Hoover, J.J. (2016). "Estimating Burst Swim Speeds and Jumping Characteristics of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Using Video Analyses and Principles of Projectile Physics," ANSRP-16-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Hoover, J.J., Collins, J.A., Katzenmeyer, A.W. and Killgore, K. (2016). "Swimming Performance of Adult Asian Carp: Field Assessment Using a Mobile Swim Tunnel," ANSRP-16-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Haynie, R. S., Christensen, S. J., Banack, S., Bidigare, R. R., Herrin, J. A. and Wilde, S. B. (2015). "Failure to Detect the Neurotoxin ²-n-methylamino-l-alanine in Samples Collected during an Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy (AVM) Epornitic in J. Strom Thurmond Lake," ANSRP-15-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Holliman, F. M., Killgore, K. J. and Shea, C. (2015). "Development of Operational Protocols for Electric Barrier Systems on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal: Induction of Passage-Preventing Behaviors in Small Sizes of Silver Carp," ANSRP-15-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Van den Ende, O. (2014). "Burrowing by Sailfin Catfish (Pterygoplichthys sp.): A Potential Cause of Erosion in Disturbed Environments," ANSRP-14-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Hoover, J. J., Hahn, N. M., and Collins, J. A. (2013). "Demonstrating the Ecosystem Effects of Armored Suckermouth Catfishes (Loricariidae): A Feasibility Study Using Mesocosms," ANSRP-13-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Wilde, S. B., Haynie, R. S., Herrin, J. A., Hook, M. W., Kupfer, J. and Netherland, M. D. (2013). "Environmental Factors Influencing Blooms of a Neurotoxic Stigonematalan Cyanobacterium Responsible for Avian Vacuolar Myelinopathy," ANSRP-13-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Hoover, J. J, Southern, L. W., Katzenmeyer, A. W., and Hahn, N. M. (2012). "Swimming Performance of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp: Methodology, Metrics, and Management Applications," ANSRP-12-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Lance, R. F. and Carr, M. R. (2012). "Detecting eDNA of Invasive Dreissenid Mussels: Report on Capital Investment Project," ANSRP-12-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Henderson, J. (2012). "Invasive Species Costs to Corps Civil Works Activities ," ANSRP-12-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Shearer, J. F. and Grodowitz, M. J. (2010). "Predicting the Potential for Invasive Species Establishment by Using Environmental Tolerance Data ," ANSRP-10-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Shearer, J. F. and Grodowitz, M. J. (2010). "Impact of Data Availability on Site Assessment and Predictive Behavior of Aquatic Invasive Species," ANSRP-10-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Netherland, M. D., Lembi, C. A. and Poovey, A. G. (2009). "Screening of Various Herbicide Modes of Action for Selective Control of Algae Responsible for Harmful Blooms ," ANSRP-09-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Linkov, I., Satterstrom, F. K., Loney, D. and Steevens, J. A. (2009). "The Impact of Harmful Algal Blooms on USACE Operations," ANSRP-09-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Millward, R. N. , Kennedy, A. J., Lynn, J. W., Perry, K. D., Ruiz, S. and Steevens, J. A. (2007). "Applying life stage sensitivity data in chemical control strategies for invasive animal species," ERDC/TN ANSRP-07-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Lynn, J.W., Perry, K. D., Wilson, V. L., Kennedy, A. J., Millward, R. N.and Steevens, J. A. (2007). "Detection of apoptotic cells to evaluate chemical control strategies in early life stages," ERDC/TN ANSRP-07-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Garvey, J., DeGrandchamp, K., and Williamson, C. (2007). "Life History Attributes of Asian Carps in the Upper Mississippi River System ," ERDC/TN ANSRP-07-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Krista A. Varble, K. A., Hoover, J. J., George, S. G., Murphy, C. E., and Killgore, K. J. (2007). "Floodplain Wetlands as Nurseries for Silver Carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix: A Conceptual Model for Use in Managing Local Populations," ANSRP-07-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Suedel, B. C., Bridges, T. S., Kim, J. B., Payne, B. S., and Miller, A. C. (2006). "Application of Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis to Aquatic Nuisance Species," ERDC/TN ANSRP-06-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Cole, R.A. (2006). "Freshwater Aquatic Nuisance Species Impacts and Management Costs and Benefits at Federal Water Resources Projects," ERDC/TN ANSRP-06-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Poovey, A.G. and Netherland, M.D. (2006). "Identification and Initial Screening of New Compounds to Control Harmful Algal Blooms," ERDC/TN ANSRP-06-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Kim, J. B. and Bridges, T. S. (2006). "Risk, uncertainty, and decision analysis applied to the management of aquatic nuisance species," ERDC/TN ANSRP-06-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Ray, G.L. (2005). "Invasive Marine and Estuarine Animals of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska," ERDC/TN ANSRP-05-6, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G.L. (2005). "Invasive Marine and Estuarine Animals of the South Atlantic and Puerto Rico," ERDC/TN ANSRP-05-5, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G.L. (2005). "Invasive Marine and Estuarine Animals of the Gulf of Mexico," ERDC/TN ANSRP-05-4, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G.L. (2005). "Invasive Marine and Estuarine Animals of Hawai'i and other Pacific Islands," ERDC/TN ANSRP-05-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G.L. (2005). "Invasive Marine and Estuarine Animals of California," ERDC/TN ANSRP-05-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Ray, G.L. (2005). "Invasive Estuarine and Marine Animals of the North Atlantic," ERDC/TN ANSRP-05-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Payne, B.S. and Miller, A. (2004). "A Probability Tree Applied to a Common Zebra Mussel Dispersal Issue," ERDC/TN ANSRP-04-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Payne, B.S. (2003). "Performance Testing of a Passive Low-Velocity Filtration Strainer for Use in Excluding Zebra Mussel Post Larvae from Water Intake Systems," ERDC/TN ANSRP-03-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Smythe, G. and Miller, A. (2003). "Pulse-Power: A Possible Alternative to Chemicals for Zebra Mussel Control; Summary of 2000 Field Studies," ERDC/TN ANSRP-03-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Hoover, J.J., Adams, S.R., and Killgore, K.J. (2003). "Can Hydraulic Barriers Stop the Spread of the Round Goby?," ERDC/TN ANSRP-03-1, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.


Miller, A. C. and Lowry, P. (2000). "Controlling Zebra Mussels, Quagga Mussels, and Biofilm Growth with the Plasma Sparker," ZMR-2-23

Mackie, G. L., Lowery, P., and Cooper, C. (2000). "Plasma Pulse Technology to Control Zebra Mussel Biofouling," ZMR-2-22


Smythe, A. G., and Dardeau, E. A., Jr. (1999). "Overview of Electrical Technologies for Controlling Dreissenids, with Emphasis on Pulse-Power Systems," ZMR-3-22

Kennedy, R. H., and Açkakaya, H. R. (1999). "Development of an Age-structured Metapopulation Model of Zebra Mussels of Engineers," ZMR-3-21


Robinson, L., Kuhlo, M., Dardeau, T. Jr., and Bivens, T. (1998). "Design of an In-line Backwash Filtration System for Barkley Dam, Kentucky," ZMR-3-20

Mitchell, R. and Gu, J.D. (1998). "Use of Microorganisms and Their Metabolites for Zebra Mussel Control," ZMR-3-19

Netherland, M.D., Getsinger, K.D., and Theriot, E. (1998). "Chemical Control Research Strategy for Zebra Mussels," ZMR-3-18

Payne, B.S., Miller, A., and Adarns, G. (1998). "Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations on Survivorship in Zebra Mussels (Dreissena polymorpha)," ZMR-2-21

Ussery, T.A. and Miller, A.C. (1998). "Effects of Forced Hot Air on Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) Mortality," ZMR-2-20

Race, T. (1998). "Comparison of the Component-Level Performance of Anti-Zebra Mussel Coating Systems with Research Coupon Results," ZMR-2-19

James, W.F. and H.L. Eakin (1998). " Nutrient Regeneration by Zebra Musssels: Implications for the Phosphorus budget of Lake Pepin, Upper Mississippi River," ZMR-1-35

Kraak, M.H.S., Scholten, M.C.Th., Peeters, W.H.M., and de Kock, W.Chr. (1998). "Impacts of Zebra Mussel Infestations on Water Quality," ZMR-1-34

James, W.F., and J.W. Barko (1998). "Influences of Zebra Mussels on Conditions at the Sediment-Water Interface," ZMR-1-33


Dye, G., Cremeans, W. L., Jr., Bartelt, G., Barnese-Walz, L., Willis, R. M., Case, J. I. Jr., Russo, E. J. Jr., Park, M., Nord, B., Fowles, J. M., Rapp, J., Minchew, C., Litherland, P. M., and Buchanan, R.E. Jr. (1995). "Status of Zebra Mussels, Spring 1994," ZMR-4-08

Kaster, J. L. (1995). "Use of an Air Injection System to Control Zebra Mussels, May1994," ZMR-2-18

Boelman, S. and Fischenich, C. (1995). "Update on Floating Plant Components Susceptible to Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-2-17

Boelman, S. (1995). "Use of Thermal Treatment at Shawnee Fossil Fuel Plant," ZMR-2-16

Armistead, D. C. (1995). "Tolerances of Zebra Mussels to Various Temperatures in the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, 1988-1992," ZMR-1-32

Laney, E. and Schooley, J. (1995). "Status of Zebra Mussel Infestation in Oklahoma," ZMR-1-31

Yager, T. (1995). "Zebra Mussel Densities in St. Paul District, 1991-94," ZMR-1-30

Miller, A. C., Payne, B. S., and Burns, F. M. (1995). "Introduction and Spread of Dreissena polymorpha in the U.S. Inland Waterway System, 1992-93," ZMR-1-29

Wong, G. S. (1995). "Periodic Inspection at Black Rock Lock--A Review of Procedure," ZMR-1-28

Roper, J., Cherry, D., and Simmers, J. (1995). "Sediment Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Contaminants in the Zebra Mussel at Times Beach, Buffalo, New York," ZMR-1-27

Tatem, H. E. (1995). "Toxicity and Environmental Effects of Disposal of Contaminated Zebra Mussels," ZMR-1-26


Denson, D. R., and Wang, S. Y. (1994). "Reproductive Cycle of Zebra Mussels," ZMR-4-07

Gawarecki, E. (1994). "Buffalo District Floating Plant Experience with Zebra Mussels," ZMR-3-17

Race, T. and Miller, A. C. (1994). "Metal Leaching Versus Antifoulant Control Efficacy," ZMR-2-15

McMahon, R., Ussery, T. A., and Clarke, M. (1994). "Review of Zebra Mussel Control Methods," ZMR-2-14

Tippit, R. (1994). "Use of Bridal Veil to Collect Zebra Mussels," ZMR-1-25

Felder, D. (1994). "Distinguishing the Zebra Mussel, Quagga Mussel, and Conrad's False Mussel Based on Shell Morphology," ZMR-1-24

Yager, T. (1994). "Zebra Mussels at Lock and Dam 6, Upper Mississippi River, January 1994," ZMR-1-23

Burns, F. M. (1994). "Registration Process Required by the USEPA for a New Pesticide," ZMR-1-22

Lei, J. and Miller, A. C. (1994). "Shell Shape Differences in Dreissena spp.," ZMR-1-21

Barnese, L., Meyer, R., and Svirbely, J. E. (1994). "Reports of Zebra Mussel Attachment to Ohio River Division Water Quality Monitors," ZMR-1-20

Hubertz, E. (1994). "Procedure for Measuring the Force Required to Remove Zebra Mussels from Substrate," ZMR-1-19

Dye, G. (1994). "Zebra Mussel Infestation at Black Rock Lock, Buffalo, New York," ZMR-1-18

Denson, D. R. and Wang, S. Y. (1994). "Distinguishing Zebra Mussels from Quagga Mussels by Sperm Examination," ZMR-1-17

Tatem, H. and Theriot, E. (1994). "Bioaccumulation of Contaminants by Zebra Mussels," ZMR-1-16

Howe, P. H., Masters, E., Atteberry, R., Redmon, P., and Theriot, E. (1994). "A Summary of Federal Regulations Related to Use of FIFRA-Registered Biocides and Region 5, USEPA, Use of These Biocides for Zebra Mussel Control," ZMR-1-15

Beckett, D. C. and Theriot, E. (1994). "Environmental Effects of Zebra Mussel Infestation," ZMR-1-14


Lei, J. (1993). "Estimation of Filtration Rate of Zebra Mussels," ZMR-4-06

Harrington, M., Knowlton, J., Mattice, J., Claudi, R., and Bivens, T. (1993). "Strategies Employed by the Power Industry to Reduce or Eliminate Problems Caused by Zebra Mussels," ZMR-4-05

Shafer, D. (1993). "A Preliminary Examination of Odor Problems Caused by Decaying Zebra Mussels," ZMR-4-04

Miller, A. C., Neilson, F., and Gunnison, K. (1993). "Susceptibility of Navigation Locks to Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-4-03

Miller, A. C. and Lei, J. (1993). "A Method for Calculating the Total Mass of Zebra Mussels," ZMR-4-02

Tippit, R. (1993). "A Proactive Zebra Mussel Infestation Impact Reduction Strategy," ZMR-3-16

Bivens, T. and Dardeau, T. (1993). "Development of a Zebra Mussel Control Strategy for the Cheatham Power Plant," ZMR-3-15

Miller, A. C. and Nimmo R. (1993). "Modification of Water Intakes to Reduce Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-3-14

Miller, A. C. and Nimmo, R. (1993). "Use of a Water-Level Transmitter Not Affected by Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-3-13

Tippit, R. (1993). "Use of Hot-Dip Zinc to Protect a Steel Pipe," ZMR-3-12

Miller, A. C. and Wells, M. (1993). "Use of Removable Intake Screens to Reduce Maintenance Problems Associated with Zebra Mussels," ZMR-3-11

Chang, T. J. and Miller, A. C. (1993). "Use of Reduced Pressure to Accelerate Death of Zebra Mussels," ZMR-3-10

McMahon, R. F., Ussery, T. A., and Clarke, M. (1993). "Control of Zebra Mussels in Service Water," ZMR-3-09

Payne, B. S. and Aldridge, D. (1993). "Acclimation Response of Zebra Mussels to Laboratory Testing," ZMR-1-13

Tatem, H. and Theriot, E. A. (1993). "Collection of Zebra Mussel Samples for Contaminant Analyses," ZMR-1-12

Tippit, R. and Miller, A. C. (1993). "Evaluating the Susceptibility of Structures to Zebra Mussel Infestation," ZMR-1-11

Tippit, R., Cathey, J., and Swor, T. (1993). "The NEPA Process in a Zebra Mussel Control Program," ZMR-1-10

Miller, A. C. and Barnese, L. E. (1993). "Transport of Live Zebra Mussels by Barge Experiences in the Louisville District, 1992," ZMR-1-09


Wong, G. S. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Susceptibility of Different Ages of Concrete to Zebra Mussel Infestation," ZMR-4-01

Neilson, F. M. (1992). "Components of Navigation Locks and Dams Sensitive to Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-3-08

Palermo, M. (1992). "Components of Vessels and Dredges Susceptible to Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-3-07

Ingram, J. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Environmentally Sound Zebra Mussel Control Strategies at Drainage Structures, Pumping Stations, and Water Intakes," ZMR-3-06

Bivens, T., Dardeau, T., and Payne, B. S. (1992). "Components of Hydropower Projects Sensitive to Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-3-05

Ingram, J. (1992). "Strategies for Zebra Mussel Infestations on Waterway Gauging Stations," ZMR-3-04

Payne, B. S. and Gawarecki, E. (1992). "Control of Zebra Mussel Infestations on Floating Plant of the U.S. Army Engineer District, Buffalo," ZMR-3-03

Miller, A. C. and Neilson, F. (1992). "Controlling Zebra Mussel Infection in Fire Prevention Systems in Locks that Use Raw Water," ZMR-3-02

Miller, A. C., Ingram, J., and Race, T. (1992). "Controlling Zebra Mussel Infestations on Flap Gates Associated with Drainage Structures," ZMR-3-01

Jin, L. (1992). "Use of Decreased Air Pressure under Laboratory Conditions to Increase Zebra Mussel Mortality," ZMR-2-13

Miller, A. C. and Freitag, T. (1992). "Use of a Copper-Containing Epoxy Material to Protect a Bay Class Tug from Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-2-12

Payne, B. S. (1992). "Upper Temperature Limits of Zebra Mussels as Indicated by Respiration Rates," ZMR-2-11

Payne, B. S. (1992). "Aerial Exposure and Mortality of Zebra Mussels," ZMR-2-10

Payne, B. S. (1992). "Freeze Survival of Aerially Exposed Zebra Mussels," ZMR-2-09

Race, T. (1992). "Nontoxic Foul-Release Coatings for Zebra Mussel Control," ZMR-2-08

Race, T. (1992). "Accelerated Corrosion of Ferrous Metals Resulting from Zebra Mussel Infestations," ZMR-2-07

Gunnison, K. (1992). "Vendors That Provide Services and Equipment for Zebra Mussel Control," ZMR-2-06

Race, T. (1992). "Construction Materials That Act as Deterrents to Zebra Mussel Attachment," ZMR-2-05

Wong, S. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "High-Pressure Water Jetting and Carbon Dioxide Pellet Blasting," ZMR-2-04

Race, T. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Zinc Rich Paints," ZMR-2-03

Race, T. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Cooper-Based Marine Antifoulants," ZMR-2-02

Race, T. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Thermal Sprayed Coatings," ZMR-2-01

Beckett, D. C. and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Environmental Effect of Zebra Mussels: Riverine Studies Initiated in 1991 and 1992," ZMR-1-08

Keevin, T., Yarbrough, R., and Miller, A. C. (1992). "Inadvertent Transport of Live Zebra Mussels on Barges Experiences in the St. Louis District, Spring 1992," ZMR-1-07

Payne, B. S. and Lei, J. (1992). "Mussel Filtration Rates Using Natural Versus Artificial Particles in Suspension," ZMR-1-06

Miller, A. C., Cathey, H. J., Swor, T., and Tippit, R. (1992). "Developing a Protocol to Ensure Environmental Compliance in a Zebra Mussel Control Program," ZMR-1-05

Miller, A. C. and Dye, G. (1992). "Hand-Held Sampler for Zebra Mussel Collection," ZMR-1-04

Barnese, L. (1992). "Louisville District Initiates a Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program," ZMR-1-03

Payne, B. S. and Lowther, D. (1992). "Larval Monitoring in a Chlorine Treatment Program to Prevent Zebra Mussel Settlement in Hydropower Facilities," ZMR-1-02

Miller, A. C., Payne, B. S., and McMahon, R. F. (1992). "The Zebra Mussel: Biology, Ecology, and Recommended Control Strategies," ZMR-1-01